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Events subscriptions

Subscribe to events streams

Method name: subscribe

Scope"public" or "private", the client needs to be authenticated to subscribe to a private stream
StreamsArray of strings representing the streams to subscribe to

Request example:


Response example:


The response returns the list of all current subscriptions for the current connection after the subscription is performed.

Unsubscribe from events streams

Method name: unsubscribe

Scope"public" or "private", the client needs to be authenticated to unsubscribe to a private stream
StreamsArray of strings representing the streams to unsubscribe to


[1,42,"unsubscribe",["public", ["eurusd.orderbook"]]


[2,42,"unsubscribe",["public", ["eurusd.trades","tickers"]]]

The response returns the list of remaining subscriptions for the current connection after the unsubscription is performed.